I was in high school, on a trip to the Keys, when I remember seeing manatees for the first time. I loved watching them slowly move through the water…they had a beauty about them. I didn’t want my kids to wait until high school to experience manatees for the first time, so we headed on over to Manatee Lagoon – An, FPL Eco-Discovery Center®..

Manatee Lagoon

If you don’t already know, Manatee Lagoon is not just as a place to see manatees in the wild, it is also a community center that offers family programming and events all year round. From the moment you step inside, you become immersed in the world of manatees.

Manatee Lagoon

With all of the interactive learning stations and hands-on exhibits, everyone can learn about manatees in their own way and at their own pace.

Manatee Lagoon

Of course we went to the observation deck to get a better look at the manatees. After a little bit of enjoying the beautiful water views, we were able to see 2 manatees.

Manatee Lagoon

The kids and I were so excited to watch them for a bit.

Because we went to Manatee Lagoon on the first Sunday of the month, we were able to attend one of their monthly lectures. This time, we were able to learn quite a bit about manatees from Dr. Robert K. Bonde, a retired research biologist.

Dr. Robert K. Bonde

Our visit to Manatee Lagoon was both fun and educational! We all now have a better understanding, and appreciation, of the life of a manatee.

Manatee Lagoon

Want to know more? Check out these 5 Things You Should Know About Manatee Lagoon

Manatee Lagoon