Madagascar 3 is finally out in theaters today and it is definitely a movie you and your kiddos should go
Men in Black™ 3 is now in theaters!! I actually had the opportunity to watch this film at a private
We Bought a Zoo tells the true story of Benjamin Mee, a father (played by Matt Damon) and his two
We received the Stellaluna DVD to review, we love watching movies in our house so the kids were looking forward
I am no stranger to super heroes, my husband has always been a fan (he still gets excited when he
I had the opportunity to take my daughter to go see the movie The Secret World of Arrietty this past
I am a very picky eater, so much so that on our honeymoon in Europe, I think I lost weight…LOL.
As I had posted previously, Beauty & The Beast is coming out in 3D on 1/13/12 for a Limited Time,
I first heard about cake pops from a mom at my Daughter’s preschool, and although I really thought they were
This morning, I was able to take my daughter on a Mommy & Daughter Date to see the movie “The