Today, The LEGO® Movie is officially out in theaters and of course, we’ll be taking the kiddos to see it.  After all, it’s a movie with LEGO characters, some of which are super heroes (which our family is a big fan of).

The LEGO Movie Official Poster

When we were asked to participate in a LEGO Build Challenge, I happily accepted. Warner Brothers sent us The LEGO Movie Cloud Cuckoo Palace to build and some cute movie posters.

The LEGO Movie Build Challenge Set - TM2S

My kiddos also each got a LEGO shirt (which as you can tell they were happy about)

The LEGO Movie Build Challenge Shirts - TM2S

At first my husband started to build The LEGO Movie Cloud Cuckoo Palace with the kiddos but they were unable to finish after they did the characters and while my hubby would have been the one to help them finish, he had to go out of town for work. So, it became my responsibility.

The LEGO Movie Build Challenge Set Assembly

Being that I don’t recall having ever built a LEGO set before, I was nervous. Thankfully the directions are very easy to follow and we were able to complete The LEGO Movie Cloud Cuckoo Palace without me having a break down (or at least not a major one when my son accidentally knocked some of the pieces off).

The LEGO Movie Build Challenge Set Assembly 2

I am so proud of myself (and the kiddos too) for completing The LEGO Build Challenge.

The LEGO Movie Build Challenge Set Assembled

We were happy with the way it turned out and the kiddos have enjoyed playing with it. Best of all, I was able to spend some quality time with my babies as we did this project together. I love creating memories with them!

Don’t forget to go and see The LEGO Movie. You can check out the trailer for the film below.