Setting New Year’s resolutions is the easy part, sticking to them can be difficult. Now that January has come and gone, how have you done with keeping your New Years Resolutions?

7 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

If you have done good with it, Great! If you haven’t, that’s OK. You can still do it! Teach Me 2 Save is here to help. Check out these 7 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick.

Keep a manageable list

Don’t make a list of 15-20 New Year’s Resolutions because it will be difficult to manage. Instead, make a list of 3-5. Keeping your list small will help you really focus on those few goals instead of spreading yourself out to thin over a lot.

Find a resolution buddy

Talk to your friends and find someone who has made resolutions similar to yours. For example, if you want to try walking or running more, find a partner who can start meeting you for some fun runs. If you have someone who shares your resolution and can support you, you’ll feel more encouraged to reach your goal.

Bring the family on board

Let your family members know what your resolutions are so they can best help support you in your journey. Plus, they will make some excellent cheerleaders when you are feeling low.

Stay realistic

Look at the resolutions you want to make and create a reasonable time line for them. Don’t try to do so much in a short amount of time, instead, span your journey out over the course of a year. This way, you won’t feel rushed or like you have failed way too quickly.

Give yourself visual reminders

Want to lose weight? Post a picture of that bathing suit you really want somewhere that you will see it daily. Want to get more organized? Snip out pictures of spaces that you like in home décor magazines as a visual reminder. Seeing these pictures will help you keep in mind what you are trying to achieve.

Embrace powerful quotes

The internet is full of motivational quotes. In fact, just type those keywords in on Google and thousands of results will turn up. Read one motivational quote per day, or at least a few per week so you can keep positive thoughts and words in your head. You can take it one step further and print them out so that you can access them whenever you need.

Check in quarterly

Check in with yourself every 3 months to see how you are doing. In other words, have a conference with yourself! Write down your progress and note what else it is you feel you need to work on. This method of checks and balances will help you feel on track, stay on track, and make it towards your goals.

Setting New Year’s Resolutions can be tricky and feel overwhelming, but give these tips a try and you can find yourself feeling success instead!