Meeting Smokey Robinson was such an honor. What you see on TV and during his performances is what you get, he is classy, soft spoken and those eyes are even more mesmerizing in person. Getting to interview him was fun and I was thrilled when he invited me and a guest to see him perform at the Jazz In The Gardens Festival that was happening in Miami Gardens this past weekend.
Before our interview, I had text my mom and my uncle telling them that I would be interviewing Smokey Robinson to see if they had any questions for him. My uncle responded with “Cool” and instead of my mom responding with a question, I got “Oh my goodness, I’ve loved him all my life”. Followed by “Please send me a pic with him. I can’t think of a question but I wish I had something from him dedicated to me…LOL”. All that to say that given her love for him, Art & I knew she would love to go & I immediately invited her.
Not only were we able to attend the event but she was also able to meet and take a picture with Smokey Robinson before his performance.
She was so excited to meet him and of course he couldn’t believe she was my mom (which she loved).
She was such a fan girl. As we are standing there watching him take pictures with other people, I notice Smokey mouthing the words “I love you back”, so I follow his line of sight to see who he was talking to and it was my mom! Apparently, she had told him “I love you”. While I now know I can never take her anywhere, LOL, it was also great seeing my mom so happy.
After all she has done for me throughout my life, it brought my heart joy to be able to help her experience that. I know how I felt when I met Vin Diesel, The Rock and Ellen (people who were on my bucket list) so I know just how much this moment meant for her. Smokey Robinson is a sweetheart and made my mom’s day (“day” meaning “life”).
Check out this quick video of my mom enjoying the Smokey Robinson concert (where in her mind, he was singing every song to her).