Kajillionaire is quite an interesting movie so you can imagine that there were some interesting lines in it. That is why I have compiled a list of Kajillionaire Movie Quotes for you. Plus, you can check out my official Kajillionaire movie review for all my thoughts on the movie.

Kajillionaire Movie Quotes

  • Well you can’t see it because you’re not of gentle birth – Robert
  • Plan A was not to ask for a reward. Plan B was to ask for a reward. – Robert
  • When a man gives you wood, anything made out of wood, he’s saying you give me wood. – Theresa
  • If you’re lucky, you’ll get crushed and just die right there – Robert
  • If we get caught it will be much worse for me because I am Puerto Rican – Melanie
  • Isn’t that amazing? Old Dolio learned to forge before she learned to write, well actually that is how she learned to write . – Robert
  • Life is nothing. Just let it go without really thinking about it. – Old Dolio
  • You want us to be false, fakey people – Theresa
  • You’re jonesing. You’re addicted to them – Melanie
  • What are you doing? Are you trying to rile me up? – Old Dolio
  • Most happiness comes from dumb things – Melanie
  • You can’t believe it because you were married to life. I wasn’t hooked on it. so it’s not such a big deal to me – Old Dolio
  • I don’t have any regrets. You’re going to have regrets though – Old Dolio
  • We didn’t think you were dead but if you were dead we would have regretted not doing enough things to show you – Robert
  • So if it’s gone, they are monsters and this whole night was a lie but if it’s all there, it’s all real and you’ll believe that – Melanie

Kajillionaire is now in theaters!

More about Kajillionaire

Two con artists have spent 26 years training their only daughter to swindle, scam and steal at every turn. During a desperate and hastily conceived heist, they charm a stranger into joining them, only to have their entire world turned upside down.