There are few things that are as relaxing as a back massage. While a massage is wonderful, if I want to get one at home it’s not going to happen. For some reason, my husband and kiddos don’t want to take the time to give me a massage and even if they did, it wouldn’t last very long. That’s why the Homesdics Dual Shiatsu Massage Cushion is the perfect gift for anyone who loves a massage (like I do)…especially from the comfort of their own home.

Homesdics Dual Shiatsu Massage

The Homesdics Dual Shiatsu Massage Cushion comes ready to massage (no assembly required) and it can be placed on a chair or sofa (that’s where I put mine) and offers a completely customizable back massage experience. It comes with a programmable remote that will let you enjoy a massage on the back area of your choice.

There are 2 different massage styles to choose from – kneading for a deep massage, or spot for a focused massage. There is even the option to add heat to the 3 massage zones (full, upper or lower back) and the ability to customize the intensity of the massage with the removable cover.

Before you know it you will be in relaxation heaven and you won’t have to beg or wait for anyone to do it for you.

Disclosure: I received a Homesdics Dual Shiatsu Massage Cushion in order to facilitate my review. ALL opinions are my own.