Hard to believe that 10 weeks had past already but it was time for my 2nd Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Communication is a vital part of life. I can’t even imagine leaving the house without my cell phone because I’d
Having to shave all the time is quite the hassle but hey, it needs to get done! Shaving is a
In today’s day and age having a cell phone is a must! Simply look around you and you’ll see everyone
I am the proud mom of 2 amazing children and as I see them develop interests and become more independent
In honor of Mother’s Day, I asked our readers “What is the best advice your mom ever gave you?” and
Happy Mothers Day Poem A mothers love is special It cannot be quantified For it dwells within a place So
I am happy and proud to be the mom of 2 beautiful children but having a serious case of Mommy
Are you good with directions? OR Are you like me, someone who gets lost even with a GPS??? I am
ALL ABOARD!!! I wanted to share with you that I have been selected to be a “Mommy Reporter” for the