This Sunday is Super Bowl Sunday and while I am not much into football I do enjoy the commercials, the half-time show and all of the good food! That being said, I am all into Super Bowl Parties! If you are planning on hosting a Super Bowl Party, here are some tips to do it without breaking the bank.

  • Opt for Frozen Pizza instead of buying them and of course use coupons to buy them if you are able to

Buy 2 Large DIGIORNO Pizzas, Get any ONE free

$1.00 off 5 Totino’s Crisp Crust Party Pizza

  • Ask that everyone bring something: Aint’ no shame in asking everyone to at least contribute one item.

I have a hard time with this because I fear that they won’t bring what they say they will.  To ease my fears, I make out a list of what I need and then figure out what’s most important.  Then I decide if I will handle that or choose who is most reliable to bring it and keep working down the list.

  • Focus on appetizers: They easier to asks guest to bring and if someone forgets something it won’t mess up your themed meal
  • Make dishes and appetizers instead of buying them pre-made you end up saving quite a bit.  Some examples include: Deviled Eggs (or Heavenly Eggs which is how I refer to them), Bean Dip, Deli Platter, Vegetable Platter, Salads.  For the vegetable platter, I buy a bag of vegetables at Sam’s Club and separate them onto a platter, by doing this I save about $4.
  • Opt for Soda bottles instead of soda cans, Juice bottles instead of juice packs, and a Big Gallon of Water instead of water bottles.
  • Use plastic cups.  Be sure to have markers available so that people can write their names on it. By doing so, you avoid wasted cups and soda. You can also get stickers for the kids to put on their cup to identify it.
  • If you want to serve alcohol, make it a BYOB party
  • If you have an ice maker, start putting ice in bags now and keep doing so to avoid having to buy ice or making it so that you don;t have to buy as many bags. This of course will depend on the size of your party.
  • Go to the dollar tree or any dollar store for decoration and tableware. I have seen football plates, cups, balloons and decorations there.  If the don’t have any, buy those items in the team colors.

Have any more tips on hosting a Frugal Super Bowl Party that you would like to share.  if so, comment below  🙂