Now that the first episode of Marvel’s Agent Carter has aired (with the second one airing tonight) the pictures of our Exclusive Marvel’s Agent Carter Set Visit will make sense (well hopefully)
While on set, we couldn’t take any pictures, we couldn’t touch anything and we even had our of Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (a.k.a, the head of security) on set making sure we followed the rules, LOL. It made it feel so real…I loved it!
Onto the Marvel’s Agent Carter Set Visit Pictures…
SSR Office
This is where Agent Carter works. Here I am actually sitting at Agent Carter’s desk
There is a ton of classified docs everywhere, some of which were funny to read!
There was even some Stark Industries docs lying around
When there is an assignment for the agents, they all stand at attention and wait for their order. Here we are doing the same…
I loved seeing all the “old” stuff furnishing the set
The Automat
While on the set of Agent Carter’s Automat set I wasn’t sure how this 1940’s restaurant would be used in the show but we now know that this is where she has her meals, gets to know her friend and meets with Jarvis to discuss their plans.
How cool is this system of getting food
Oh how I wish the food was this inexpensive…we’d be eating out every day!
Not only did we get to check out the SSR set and Automat set, we also got to see them filming an episode. Of course, that meant we had to be very, very quiet.
Last but not least, costumes. Costume designer Giovanna “Gigi” Ottobre-Melton shared her inspiration for their clothing and what it took to restore some of the items they use in the show.
You may recognize this Gold dress from the premiere episode
Look at the under garments the women had to wear in the 40’s
Even the men got all dressed up back in the day
For more check out my Sneak Peak into the New Marvel’s Agent Carter Show from Executive Producers. Be sure to check back in next week for my interview with Hayley Atwell, Agent Peggy Carter herself.
Agent Carter airs on Tuesdays at 9:00 pm (8:00 central) on ABC. I’ll be tuning in tonight…you should do the same!
*A special Thank you to Marvel for all of these fun pictures!