When I found out I’d be interviewing Anthony Mackie for his role as The Falcon in Captain America: Civil War, I was thrilled. Having interviewed him for Captain America Winter Soldier, I knew it would be a fun interview. He is just awesome.

Leanette Fernandez with Anthony Mackie R

2 years since our last interview, his role as The Falcon is still one that he appreciates. He loves being a part of the Marvel Universe and as a fan, I am glad he is part of it as well. Here are 13 Fun Facts I learned from my Captain America Civil War Interview with Anthony Mackie:

  • Don Cheadle is the reason Anthony Mackie started acting and has been a silent inspiration to his career.
  • He loves the stage and adores the art of being in front of an audience and performing.
  • If he could ever do Falcon Movie, he would love to see The Falcon paired up with The Hulk because he grew up loving The Hulk.
  • Hoping the audience walks away with the message that the ultimate power is not being a leader it’s being a good listener. In acting school, he learned that the hardest thing to do is to listen, so just shut up and listen.
  • Feels that his costume is 10x worse than the others and that it’s the most intricate because of all the parts.
  • Although they love that he is a super hero, his family and siblings (he’s the youngest of six children) keep him humble.
  • He loves watching all of his movies because  does each movie for a specific reason, so he likes to see it because of the that.
  • His reason for doing this movie because it is a movie that is timely for things happening in our society now…Plus, he signed a contract (LOL).
  • Shocking!!!! He is 100 percent Team Ironman because he just wants to be told what to do at this point in his life. In his 20’s he fought against everything but that changed once he turned 35.
  • If you put Sebastian, Chris and Anthony together while working and nothing gets done…pranks also happen.
  • He says he does his stunts so poorly that they actually call people over to the set to watch him an laugh.
  • His biggest hero is Roberto Clemente and he wants to learn Spanish just so he can play him in a movie one day. Martin Luther King is also his hero.
  • He played baseball, in the outfield, growing up. His coach often talked about Roberto Clemente to them.

Captain America: Civil War is now officially in theaters!