Hosting a 4th of July party is a great way to get your friends and family together for the celebration, but if you are worried about the costs you may have considered not hosting one. Don’t let the high price tags you see in store throw you off your plans to have a great party because it can be done for less.  Here are some tip on how you can save money on your fourth of July party.

Tips On How To Save Money On Your Fourth of July Party - TM2S

Plan ahead

Plan every little thing ahead of time. You will need to know who is attending the party, what type of party you want to host, the date, time, and location, and take inventory of things you already have that you can use. These will all help you to determine the cost of your party before you ever begin buying.


American-themed decorations can often be bought from dollar stores or you can easily make them. You don’t have to go overboard with the decorations, though, because most people attending a 4th of July party expect a few patriotic themes and not much more. Besides, red, white, and blue are really all you need to make the party patriotic.


Once you have a headcount, make your menu- and don’t be embarrassed to ask people to bring things! Most parties are pot-luck these days, and people understand. Besides, many of your friends and family members will be ready to show off their culinary skills with a great side dish or dessert. Check your paper and online for coupons to save money on the items you do purchase. You can also ask guests to bring their own drinks if they want alcohol. Other than that, making a big pitcher of tea or punch is fairly cheap.


Fireworks are generally the best form of entertainment for a 4th of July party, but buying them for everyone can be expensive. You can either request guests bring their own, or you can have everyone attend the local fireworks display that is sure to be happening nearby. Bring along snacks and drinks, and then head back to the party once the display is over. Another idea is to have a neighborhood display and invite neighbors to combine with your fireworks to make it a bigger show for everyone in the area.

Speaking of Fireworks, be sure to check out these Fourth of July Safety Tips for Kids

Any more tips on saving money on your fourth of July party?