Summer is almost over for us and my babies will be starting school in a couple of weeks.  That being said, I know I’ll be taking a ton of first day of school pictures (whether they like it or not!) especially since my little man is starting Kindergarten this year (insert tears here).

While I manage to get the picture that I’ll share (on all my social media channels), I always forget to add a sign that says what grade they are starting…but not this year! This year, I’ll be using this First Day of School Printable to document a milestone and now you can too because it’s FREE!

FREE First Day of School Printable - TM2S

Yes, this First Day of School Printable is FREE for you to use!!!! All you have to do is click here or on the image above to print the PDF file. See, super easy! *but if you have any trouble, let me know.

When do your kiddos start school? Do they still let you take pictures of them on the first day of school?  Do you take a ton of pics like I do?  I know I can’t be the only one.

If you end up using this First Day of School Printable , feel free to post their school pics on the TeachMe2Save Facebook Page.