There is something about the music I hear on the radio, in the movies or as I watch TV that enhances my emotions, triggers memories and inspires me. I find myself particularly inspired when I hear songs from Casting Crowns. There is just something about their music, particularly the verses in their songs, that lifts my spirits, comforts me and challenges me as a Christian. I am inspired to want to be a better person and I am inspired to do more to encourage others.

Casting Crowns

Some of their songs not only inspire me, they also enhance my emotions and trigger a memory…when a song can do all three of those things, that’s when you know it’s special. While Casting Crowns has a few of those songs, one that particularly stands out for me is “Praise You In The Storm”. Here’s why…

9 years ago (in 2006 when I was pregnant with my daughter), my aunt asked me if I wanted to attend a concert Nichole Nordeman (whose song “Legacy” also inspires me) would be performing in. I was interested but I remember telling her that even though I didn’t know the main act, the group she was opening up for, “Casting Crowns”, I’d still go. As I sat there and listened to Casting Crowns perform their songs and share the stories that inspired them, I was overcome with emotion. One story they shared really pulled at my heart strings and made it so that every time I hear the song “Praise You In the Storm”, I am taken back to that night and I’m reminded of what inspired that song. That night Casting Crowns went from a group I had never heard of to my favorite Christan band.

So much so, that I have since been back to two of their concerts and they have officially made it onto my bucket list. I’d love to meet and chat with them about their music and what inspires them. One day…

Even as I write this and think about their songs, I am moved. The media (film, tv, radio, etc.) is a powerful tool that, if used properly, educates and inspires social change. It is also a way of helping us understand different perspectives by reflecting the world we currently live in. The Bentonville Film Festival, co-founded by Geena Davis and Trevor Drinkwater is focused on supporting diverse storytellers.

Being held in Bentonville, Arkansas for its second year May 3-8, 2016, the Bentonville Film Festival is designed to bring together decision makers and content creators with the goal of inspiring action. It’s mission is to encourage content creation in film and other forms of media that reflects the diverse — and half female — world we live in. BFF proactively supports content creation by minorities and women with a platform to showcase their work especially when theatrical, television, digital and retail home entertainment distribution for its Best Narrative Jury Award, Best Family Film Award, and Audience Award categories winners is guaranteed.

Whether it’s music you hear on the radio or while watching a TV or movie, music is inspiring. Who in the media inspires you?

Bentonville Film Festival

This is a post was sponsored by The Bentonville Film Festival; while the views expressed here were genuinely mine, consideration was paid to me to produce this post.