If you are experiencing financial difficulties and you won’t be able to provide a nice meal or store bought gifts for your family this Christmas, my husband, Art, and I would like to help by giving One family a $50 Publix Gift Card to help bring you and your family some holiday cheer this Christmas.
All you need to do is click HERE or use the form below to submit your information on the entry form
- Your stories will not be shared on the website or any other social media.
- Please only submit a form if you are truly in need of assistance
If we were financially able to help more families, we definitely would. It is our mission to be able to do that in the upcoming year.
For those of you who are in a better financial position, please consider helping a family in need within your community. Even if you don’t have extra cash, one of the great things about using coupons is that you are able to help others in need with the items you get for free/cheap.
If you would like to help one of the Teach Me 2 Save families in need (one of the families who submit an entry form) with a gift card (ANY amount, ANY store), please feel free to contact us by clicking HERE and we will coordinate it.
You will have until Thursday, December 15th to enter. Once we have reviewed all of the submissions, we will choose the winner and notify you via email. Once confirmed, we will make the official announcement.
*If you know of someone who could benefit from this, please share this with them so that they are able to enter.