It’s a new year and if saving money is on your list of resolutions this year, you can try 1 of these 2 money challenges: 52 Week Money Challenge or the Reverse 52 Week Money Challenge. They are both quick and easy ways to save money!

*Scroll down for some more saving money resources below

The 52 Week Money Challenge

Each week of the year, you save a designated amount (based in the week #) and by the end of the year, you will have saved $1378.00 (that doesn’t include any interest it may accrue if you deposit it into a savings account).

So on week #1, you deposit $1. On week #4, $4, week #15 $15, week 28 $28, week #39 $39 and so on and so forth.

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Reverse 52 Week Money Challenge

You could also work backwards and start with an initial savings of $52 so that it only gets smaller as the year goes on. You start with the highest amount and work your way down (Week #1: $52.00, Week #2: $51.00, Week #3: $50.00, etc.). Plus, with that initial amount you could deposit it immediately into a savings account since you need a certain amount to get an account opened.

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Another option…

You could also consider putting in double the amount each week, so you have double the amount at the end of the year.

52 Week Money Challenge and the Reverse 52 Week Money Challenge Schedule

If you are doing the 52 Week Money Challenge or the Reverse 52 Week Money Challenge this year, here is a schedule for you to reference and print out so that you can keep track of your savings. Simply print out the schedule (by clicking on the image below) and cross off each week as you go along.


More Saving Money Resources…

Yes, I will be trying once again to stay on track. Will you be doing a money challenge? If so, which one?