15 Black Friday Shopping Tips:

  1. Put your game face on and get in the mood. This only happens once a year, so if you are going to do it then make the most of it.
  2. Do your research and come up with a game plan for each store you are planning on going to.  Click Here for the Store Ad Scans.  Click HERE for a list of Store Hours.
  3. Create a budget.  This will keep you on track and hopefully protect you from misspending,
  4. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
  5. Take the Store Ads with you.
  6. Don’t take all your credit/debit cards with you. It reduces the risk of over spending and potentially having your credit cards lost or stolen.
  7. Pack a survival kit: Snack, Drinks, Book, Phone Charger, Jacket (if you are cold or to sit on).
  8. If you have kids, try to leave them at home. If that is not possible, bring fun items for them to entertain themselves.
  9. Plan on getting there early to get a good place in line.
  10. Be polite and befriend those in the line next to you, it will help you pass the time and maybe they can hold your place if you need to go to the restroom.
  11. Use your smart phone. (Check Twitter feeds, Facebook posts and websites of your favorite stores for their latest deals or Scan QR codes on print ads and in-store items).
  12. Have a back-up plan just in case they run out of the item you really want.
  13. Don’t take something out of a cart unless you are absolutely sure it has been abandoned.
  14. Be patient; expect that it is going to be crowded and that everyone is after the same great deals.  No sale is worth getting hurt or fighting over
  15. Keep all of your holiday shopping receipts in a safe place just in case you need to do a return.

If you don’t get it all, there is always Cyber Monday  🙂

Any advice/tips you want to add?  If so, please feel free to comment.